Mark Zuckerberg was a victim of his own social media when Facebook leaked 533 million Facebook user’s information. Which included his name, location, marriage details, birth date, and Facebook user ID.
Recent reports tell that mark Zuckerberg’s number was found on the signal app, after all, it seems like Mark Zuckerberg would like to have some privacy himself by signing up and using the Signal app.
Mark Zuckerberg also respects his privacy by using a chat app that has end-to-end encryption which isn’t owned by Facebook. Meanwhile, security expert Dave Walker posted a screenshot of Mark Zuckerberg’s leaked phone number which said “Mark Zuckerberg is on signal” even though WhatsApp’s new updated policy which comes out in May of 2021 indicates how Facebook can access users chats with business accounts, it seems like most of the people rather switch to signal app because if its safety features.

During the huge Facebook breach back in 2019. Facebook co-founders Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz were also among the users whose data was leaked along with 533 million other people which could be misused in several ways by hackers and cybercriminals.
Facebook reported that the leak was fixed back in 2019 but some reports suggest that despite the flaw being the already leaked data could have already been obtained by cyber criminals which could be used in a harmful way. amongst the 533 million users whose data were released. The majority was the US around 32 million users and 11 million users belonging to the UK and around six million users from India.
According to Bloomberg reports the stolen database was posted to a hackers’ forum and it could be obtained by anyone with basic computing skills.