The US Navy is examining ways to increase the speed of delivering software to their sailors. The US Navy’s shipboard network team is looking at the cloud to make this possible.
The part of the afloat network, known as the Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services, wants to help sailors access software tools, test them and train them on the CANES infrastructure, the service is shifting into a digital twin platform. Apt. Catherine Boehme is transitioning as much of its software developments to the cloud.
Minimizing the dependency on the physical lab environments and allowing increased collaborations aim dispersed teams.
Two aircraft carriers Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt are being tested integrating software applications before installing them on a ship using digital twins. NAVWAR is also testing the applications using the cloud on their Nav’s information warfare platform.

They are hoping that this will improve the performance, the maturity of the baseline, reduce any anomalies, or deficiencies on the baseline which will troubleshoot the build and reduce the overall cost of installation.
There’s new software on build called the DevSecOps pipeline that will send applications to warfighters onboard ships. These particular software developers use cloud-hosted environments to create test and deploy containerized software to the ship without having to aboard it.
The CANES programming office is shifting to administrator training, called the CANES training virtual environment, to the Amazon Web Services allowing access for sailors and students.