The combination of concerns about COVID-19 and the continued shut down of brick and mortar stores, particularly big-box stores, will push a record number of us to shop online. In anticipation of this move, Microsoft has aggressively updated its new Chromium version of the Edge browser with several features that should help you find gifts and save money while remaining far safer while on the web.
The holidays are coming, and under the pandemic they’ll likely be a ton different for many of us. We should be in the midst (thanks to being forced indoors) of a second COVID-19 wave and stuck at home. But with these new browser features, we should be able to save money. We can simultaneously go shopping, help our favourite charity, create wish lists for ourselves and others, hang out virtually with our friends, and watch movies (given that our local theatres just closed again, that maybe our only choice).Given the Edge browser is free, this is an early present from Microsoft and not a bad one. I guess Christmas came early this year.