Tesla is well known for its safety option, innovative designs, and vehicle safety features. Tesla launched Model X back in January. A few months ago, Tesla announced their redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles.
One of the noticeable changes being in the usual stalks behind the steering wheel. The newly redesigned tesla with a hybrid system that automatically changes gears based on what the car sees with a backup on the touch screen.
Tesla Model S and Model X has a tiny icon on the left screen like a joystick deciding whether the car moves forwards or backward with dragging the car icon up or down. There have not been any updates so far about its parking options yet, although it may be smart enough to predict that when you reach your destination.

It’s always been a hard journey understanding how Tesla uses their technology. Although they make things simpler for users. Elon Musk tweeted earlier this year saying that “car guesses drive direction based on what obstacles it sees, context & nav map,”.
The car drives you as you sit like a passenger it has programming of its own making decisions. Once the brakes are applied the Tesla automatically switches to reverse mode if the car is facing any obstacles.
Although this whole process of Tesla technological marvel sounds a bit like the car drives the man as in making decisions instead of the driver this may get revised. Nut for now Tesla has been staying within the Federal Motor Vehicle safety standards.