Envision Circle


Green Housing
Shanaya Amath

The Science of Solar Panels

The popularity of solar panels is increasing in Sri Lanka. More buildings seem to be adapting to this method of electricity conversion and energy saving. The actual science of how solar power works is misunderstood by many. This article attempts to explain the scientific process of how solar power works and elaborates on how solar energy is converted into electrical energy.

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Shanaya Amath

What is Metaverse?

The metaverse is an innovative new platform that plans to merge the ideals of education, video games, entertainment and many other avenues into one merged virtual reality platform. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has created this platform to enable people from all over the world to connect with each other. Metaverse is alternatively known as the stepping stone of Web 3.0. Zuckerberg aims to create a maximalist version of facebook with the metaverse, a virtual reality platform that incorporates office work, education and entertainment.

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